Matrix for Electronics Prototype Quantity Unit Build (Pre-Production) in EMS Manufacturing | White Paper

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This White Paper is for electronics OEM professionals working in OEM companies.
Matrix for OEM Electronics Prototype Quantity Build (PDF)
This matrix reveals suggested unit volumes electronics equipment manufacturers might consider when moving from in-house prototype build to CM supplier early stage (pre-production) prototype ramping. Suggested units to build are broken out into prototype quantities (units) and detailed in three distinct stages:
# prototype units early prototype (in-house)
# prototype units mature prototype (at supplier), and
# prototype units pre-production (at supplier), assumes automated assembly (full turnkey)
Moderating release/volume of prototype-to-volume production can help minimize manufacturing quality risks and helps to control run away/excessive fees tied to brining new products to market.
The OEM Electronics Prototype Quantity Build Matrix can be referenced by OEMs for determining the number of build quantities at the initial prototype stage, the matured prototype stage, and the pre-production (prototype) stage, with corresponding number of units built (build quantity), build location, method of build process, and materials management at each stage.
(Read how manufacturers can drive costs out from current product portfolios)