Venture Outsource, LLC
5900 Balcones Drive
Suite 7216
Austin, Texas 78731
About Venture Outsource, LLC
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Why Venture Outsource
Our chief assets are knowledge and interactions. Venture Outsource has built a valuable and growing network of contract electronics industry and electronic OEM manufacturing supply chain operations professionals – tapping into a fire hose of real-time intelligence. From our Official Linkedin EMS Group (14,000+) of primarily EMS, CEM, ODM, JDM professionals and founder Mark Zetter’s global Linkedin network of OEM like-minded decision makers, to Mark’s bespoke newsletter Mark Zetter INsight with 23000+ unique OEM subscribers plus, our carefully curated electronics OEM Community on, Venture Outsource has credibility because we can go deep into contract electronics business circumstance and work with our clients to achieve their desired outcomes.
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