EMS Industry Documents - Service level agreements, factory audit templates, supplier checklists, term sheets ...

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EMS Industry Documents - Service level agreements, factory audit templates, supplier checklists, term sheets ...

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EMS Manufacturing Industry Documents

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OEM Plan for Electronic Prototype and New Product Development in EMS Manufacturing

$150.00 This document identifies numerous considerations electronics OEM hardware equipment companies encounter when sourcing prototyping new product development (NPD) services and executing new product introductions (NPI) with EMS manufacturers. Covers hardware design and review, software, PCB design costs, program management, and more. (7 pages)


OEM Request-for-Information (RFI) Template for Contract Electronic Solutions

$150.00 This request-for-proposal (RFP), or request-for-information (RFI), template can help electronics OEMs create an apple-to-apples basis for evaluating and comparing EMS manufacturer capabilities. Includes financials, factory and technical capabilities, capacity utilization, e-business, supply chain planning, employee training, operations planning, purchase order management, supply chain technical planning, and more. (5 pages)

Handbook of EMS Manufacturing Multi-National Pricing Considerations & Drivers

$200.00 Detailed information on cost drivers EMS manufacturers use to determine quote pricing of services in response to RFQs from electronics OEM companies. These include, but are not limited to, location dependent variables like freight and labor, warranty and S,G&A, tax and various working parameters like SMT, PCB assembly, systems integration, test, and more. (4 pages)


EMS Manufacturer Contract Services Level Agreement
$200.00 This SLA focuses on liability management when sourcing electronics manufacturing services (EMS) with detailed info on materials forecasting, purchase orders, procurement limits, inventory thresholds, cost reductions, engineering changer orders, lead time reports, capacity operations reports, shipment scheduling, purchase order variances, and suggestions for EMS pricing material methodologies, and more. (10 pages)


OEM Audit of EMS Manufacturer Design-for-Manufacturing (DfM) Capabilities
$150.00 Questions to ask electronics design partners such as how do they select components for your product; how are printed circuit board (PCB) and systems electrical layout and performance specs determined, board assembly manufacturing limitations and processes for through-hole components and SMT, wave solder, hardware and mechanicals, design-for-test (DFT) roadmaps, and more. (13 pages)

OEM Audit of Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) Company
$150.00 Evaluation, checks and balances to assess key manufacturing functional support departments within EMS providers for tours and EMS factory management meetings. Document covers quality systems, software tools, field returns and failure analysis, RMA cycle time, testing and standards, design tools and product launch readiness, production roadmaps, prototyping, production and process technology, and more. (15 pages)

OEM Electronics Design and Development Supplier Evaluation
$150.00 Assess design and development capabilities of contract electronics design houses and electronics original design manufacturers (ODM). Identify and verify claimed expertise, staffing experience, equipment and processes, intellectual property (IP) management, hardware / electrical development, PCB and mechanical design work, change notice process, design validation and testing, DFx, and more. (9 pages)

EMS Manufacturer Supply Chain Competitive Readiness Questionnaire
$200.00 Achieve greater fiscal reliability and improve MCOGs in your contract electronics supply chain. Questionnaire covers ECOs and BOM issues, planning and purchasing, WIP & managing MCOGs, forecasting – ways to drive accurate forecasting tied to actual workflow and work orders so materials are off your books sooner for faster cash conversion to increase shareholder value, and more. (18 pages)


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Any website visitor can purchase our documents collectively covering everything from contract electronics solutions provider audit and evaluation assessment; manufacturing services agreements (MSA), request-for-quote (RFQ) and request-for-proposal (RFP) templates, components and services purchasing and procurement with materials liability strategy, electronics product manufacturing and quality specs and requirements, pilot build and new product introductions (NPI), OEM program transfer and new product launch, surface mount technology (SMT) line optimization and box build and systems integration checklists, electronics product design and sub-contract design agreement, original design manufacturing (ODM) and electronics manufacturing services (EMS) provider and supplier evaluations and assessments, product supply agreement clauses, cost plus templates, and more.


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