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EMS Industry Documents - Service level agreements, factory audit templates, supplier checklists, term sheets ...

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You can also search our Consumer Contract Electronics Services Directory advanced search criteria features and enter multiple geography locations into your search, including a high number of different types of services and even input additional end markets for more robust and expanded search results.

OEM RFQ strategy for contract electronics programs
Different types of costing modelers for contract electronics programs

Additionally, view the Venture Outsource management consulting menu or learn more about our contract electronics industry online training and education and the unique way our consulting services and research projects are set up to better serve our clients here.

Understanding consumer contract electronics services

The electronics industry is quite broad and encompasses many different products and sub-industries. However, in general, the consumer electronics market is often considered to be one of the most price-sensitive markets within the electronics industry. This is because consumers have a wide range of options to choose from, and many products have similar features and capabilities, so price can be a major factor in the purchasing decision.

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Examples of consumer electronics products that are considered to be price-sensitive include smartphones, laptops, and televisions. These products are often sold at a wide range of price points, and consumers are often willing to shop around to find the best deal.

Find tool and mold design services for consumer electronics

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Additionally, markets such as China and India are considered highly price sensitive in the electronics industry, due to the high level of competition among manufacturers and retailers and the relatively low purchasing power of consumers.

Trends in consumer electronics manufacturing

  • Miniaturization and compact design
  • Increased use of automation and robotics
  • Development of new materials and manufacturing techniques
  • Increased focus on sustainability and environmentally-friendly production methods
  • Greater integration of internet connectivity and smart features
  • Development of virtual and augmented reality technology
  • Increasing demand for products that support the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Shift towards flexible and foldable electronic devices
  • Emergence of 5G technology in electronic devices
  • Development of AI-powered devices.

Electronics solutions providers offering services for consumer electronics products are typically thought of as high-volume, low-mix contract electronic service providers. Think of products with an electronics circuit board used by people in their everyday lives: smartphones, LED lamps, fitness trackers, virtual reality (VR) headsets, tablets, headphones, consumer devices connected to the cloud, and so on …its a massive category of electronics.

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Given price sensitivity of many consumer electronics as manufacturer compete, there is constant pressure by customers of consumer electronics services providers to increase the efficiency of the contract manufacturing factory environment and supply chain ecosystem to lower costs so consumers pay less.

How to get lowest bill-of-materials pricing for components and programs using costing modelers
Online costing modeler demonstration

One of the key areas of cost reductions highlighted for many consumer electronics programs is the reduction of labor costs in work cell assembly stations and factory-level production manufacturing, from surface mount technology (SMT) and sub-components to systems integration with increased automation.

Existing technologies that have already been developed in consumer electronics assembly and manufacturing can further develop and provide substantially more benefits. In addition, further standardization in some consumer markets will also increase manufacturing efficiency and cut waste.

To this end, selecting suitable consumer contract electronics partners and applying effective program management cannot be emphasized enough.

Find product design services for consumer electronics

Unlike market sectors such as medical, automotive or military electronics, to name a few – requiring a high degree of quality compliance/regulation – the design, manufacturing and distribution supply chain for most consumer electronics products is less so.

The future of consumer electronics

As many home and personal consumer electronics devices and equipment get smaller, microelectronics allowing devices with smaller footprints – and more features and greater functionality – become more important to OEM brand manufacturers like Apple and GE, and consumers. In the consumer electronics supply chain, the semiconductor industry’s strength lies in microelectronics design and manufacturing to feed consumer electronics evolution.

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Additionally, with the growing trend for connected devices (hyperconnectivity) and machine automation, along with machines becoming incrementally smarter and automating large parts of the manufacturing production cycle and our lives, advances in technological are bringing us to the beginning of the next super cycle in the manufacturing sector: the combination of industrial software systems, with advanced sensors, IoT networking, artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced robotics.

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Russian Soviet economist, Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kondratiev, also known as Kondratieff, was a proponent of business cycle theory known as Kondratiev waves, below.

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Kondratiev’s theory is that Western capitalist economies have long term 50-60-year cycles of boom followed by depression. Below, note mobile networks, iPhone, personal computing, nanotechnology, machine learning, to name few. Given the United States as the world’s chief consumer, manufacturers everywhere have given Kondratiev’s theory more attention.

Kondratiev waves

The fast-advancing capabilities in technology are already playing out as we see manufacturing factories automating large portions of the manufacturing cycle – and our lives. This is resulting in greater productivity gains and a return to re-shoring and localized manufacturing – which has been taking place.

Find electronics providers offering logistics services for consumer electronics

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The ability for factories to adapt to light outs manufacturing and become more independent by use of artificial intelligence in contract electronics industry and offering manufacturing-as-a-service will see new paradigm of mass customization.

Your One Stop Electronics Services Directory

Every electronic OEM equipment manufacturer has needs for sourcing, product design, manufacturing and supply chain management specific to its industry. The contract electronics industry is more than just outsourcing manufacturing, it’s about finding the right suppliers and partners and building relationships that add real value and the VentureOutsource.com website can help.

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Manufacturing trends

Below are links to different industry contract electronics manufacturing pages filled with detailed information on trends and best practices.

Aerospace & Avionics | Defense & Military | Industrial | Consumer Devices | Computing | Medical | Clean, Green Technology | Automotive | Networking Equipment | Telecom | Servers & Storage | Peripherals

View Venture Outsource management consulting menu or learn more about our contract electronics industry online training and education and the unique way our consulting services and research projects are set up to better serve our clients here.

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Electronic OEM professionals reading this and wanting help locating contract electronic service providers matching your program and end market, Venture Outsource offers a free service. Speak with a Provider Advisor. Advisors have access to detailed information on listings in our global database and can help you compare provider service capabilities to better match your program needs. Advisors also have intelligence on specific providers, plus info on emerging industry trends and best practices to share with you.

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