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EMS Industry Documents - Service level agreements, factory audit templates, supplier checklists, term sheets ...

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You can also search our Industrial Contract Electronics Services Directory advanced search criteria features and enter multiple geography locations into your search, including a high number of different types of services and even input additional end markets for more robust and expanded search results.

OEM RFQ strategy for contract electronics programs
Different types of costing modelers for contract electronics programs

Additionally, view the Venture Outsource management consulting menu or learn more about our contract electronics industry online training and education and the unique way our consulting services and research projects are set up to better serve our clients here.

Understanding industrial and robotics contract electronics services

Industrial electronics providers serve one of the non-traditional end markets in contract electronics manufacturing. Rate of growth for outsourcing industrial electronics has typically exceeded the growth rate for the overall global electronics outsourcing market each year for the past several years.

Search tool and mold design services for robotics and industrial electronics

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Instrumentation technology and computing applications play an important role in the design and manufacture of many industrial electronics products.

Trends in industrial electronics manufacturing

There are several trends in industrial electronics manufacturing that are currently shaping the industry:

  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming increasingly important, as more and more industrial devices are connected to the internet and can be controlled and monitored remotely.
  • Industry 4.0 is also gaining momentum, with more companies implementing advanced automation, data analytics, and machine learning techniques to increase efficiency and productivity.
  • Miniaturization of electronic components and devices is becoming more prevalent, as companies look for ways to reduce costs and increase the functionality of their products.
  • Use of flexible and printed electronics, like printed circuit boards, flexible displays, and flexible sensors, is expanding in industrial electronic products to make them more durable, less expensive and more versatile.
  • Adoption of cloud-based solutions is increasing, as more companies are looking to store and process data in the cloud, rather than on-premises.
  • The use of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is becoming more popular in industrial electronics, as it allows for rapid prototyping and the creation of complex geometries that would be difficult or impossible to achieve using traditional manufacturing methods.
  • Cybersecurity is becoming a major concern for industrial electronics manufacturers, as more companies are looking to protect their networks and devices from cyber attacks.
  • The trend of green electronics is also growing, as manufacturers are looking for ways to reduce the environmental impact of their products and comply with stricter environmental regulations.

Some systems platforms this market incorporates into its products it produces include intelligent control systems such as digital logic and automated applications for use in robotics.

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The shift toward industrial connected Internet of Things (IoT) is driving manufacturers toward digitalization and process flexibility in production and smart factories vs traditional wired technologies is providing higher performance and better reliability requirements for automation. However, the industrial connected devices market is also driving demand for cabling and wire harnesses for equipment such as control boxes.

Enter the dawn of ‘lights out manufacturing‘. Meanwhile, these changes are surfacing short-comings in many wireless technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, especially in bandwidth and security.

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Solving these challenges is enabling collaborative IoT wearables and robotics able to improve assembly processes while robotics frameworks big data allows for analytics feedback to synchronize and improve efficiency of the automated process. (Read how AI helps contract electronics providers)


Some contract electronics manufacturers are approaching their challenges with internal manufacturing execution systems, often with unsatisfactory results. This is primarily due to contract electronics industry risk aversion and limited, deep IT, machine learning, and AI understanding. (Read this Venture Outsource case study: How to compare Flex, Jabil, Sanmina, Celestica manufacturing supply chain capabilities)

Meanwhile, data lakes and condition-based monitoring; coupled with machine learning and artificial intelligence, performance forecasts and maintenance schedule optimization to reduce SMT/PCBA line down-time in electronics production – smart factories can further better target manufacturing production should costs and help optimize total landed cost for electronics industrial and robotics product programs.

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Robots and robotics have been around for decades, but it has only been recently that their adoption has picked up at a rapid pace. The first industrial robot was introduced in the United States in 1961. Except for the past several years, their usage has primarily limited to the manufacturing sector. Technological improvements however are changing this quickly and technology adoption is the single most important driver of growing robotics adoption.

Designing industrial electronics

In designing and creating ‘capable’ industrial electronics and electronics systems, services providers employ engineers with experience working with programmable logic controllers (PLCs), digital signal processing (DSP), systems architecture and design, and knowledge of microprocessors and micro-controller systems and applications to provide customers the product and functionality they require.

How to get lowest bill-of-materials pricing for components and programs using costing modelers
Online costing modeler demonstration

Many industrial electronics providers will centralize your program into highly flexible, work cells. These cells will have highly configurable layouts to accommodate the complex nature of some OEM builds and varying demands while optimized to help maintain the quality you’re looking for.

Industrial electronics new product introduction (NPI) and new product launch (NPL)

Readers can request Venture Outsource’s 30-page Handbook for Non-Traditional Electronics OEM Companies Sourcing Contract Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) for New Product Introductions. The handbook covers best practices sourcing contract electronics non-traditional electronics industries such as industrial electronics and other non-traditional industry markets.

Find cabling and wire harnessing services for industrial electronics

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It is written for professionals tasked with responsibilities in commodity procurement management, program costing, contract manufacturing supplier selection, manufacturing vendor and supplier development and supplier management and, those professionals responsible for supply chain risk management and vendor contract management and supplier contract negotiations.

Search industrial SMT and PCB assembly manufacturing services

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The handbook is divided into the primary topics below, with several topics going deeper, with detailed industry examples and clear suggestions and lists for readers to consider:

  • OEM Outline for Electronic Prototype and New Product Development
  • EMS Manufacturing Request-for-Proposal (RFP) Terms
  • EMS Manufacturing Request-for-Quote (RFQ) Best Practices
  • EMS Manufacturing Industry Quote Pricing Drivers
  • EMS Manufacturing Program Workflows, Flowcharts
  • EMS Manufacturing NPI Systems Integration (Box Build) Checklist

Challenges facing high tech manufacturing

Semiconductors drive the electronics industry. Achieving smaller chipset footprints with increasing functionality is an ongoing challenge. Currently, semiconductor industry uses immersion lithography for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs). Many argue extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is a better solution, offered benefits in semiconductor manufacturing but its been a difficult learning curve for high volume chip manufacturing/scaling, for various reasons.

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Russian Soviet economist, Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kondratiev, also known as Kondratieff, was a proponent of business cycle theory known as Kondratiev waves, below.

Kondratiev’s theory is that Western capitalist economies have long term 50-60-year cycles of boom followed by depression. Below, nanotechnology, micro machines, mass customization, machine learning, to name few. Given the United States as the world’s chief consumer, manufacturers everywhere have given Kondratiev’s theory more attention.

Kondratiev waves

The fast-advancing capabilities in technology are already playing out as we see manufacturing factories automating large portions of the manufacturing cycle – and our lives – requiring more sophisticated ICs.

6 Steps how semi components get on OEM approved vendor list (AVL)
5 Ways electronics OEMs and EMS providers purchase from semiconductor component vendors

The ability for factories to adapt to light outs manufacturing and become more independent by use of artificial intelligence in contract electronics industry and offering manufacturing-as-a-service will see new paradigm of mass customization.

Your One Stop Electronics Services Directory

Every electronic OEM equipment manufacturer has needs for sourcing, product design, manufacturing and supply chain management specific to its industry. The contract electronics industry is more than just outsourcing manufacturing, it’s about finding the right suppliers and partners and building relationships that add real value and the VentureOutsource.com website can help.

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Manufacturing trends

Below are links to different industry contract electronics manufacturing pages filled with detailed information on trends and best practices.

Aerospace & Avionics | Defense & Military | Industrial | Consumer Devices | Computing | Medical | Clean, Green Technology | Automotive | Networking Equipment | Telecom | Servers & Storage | Peripherals

View Venture Outsource management consulting menu or learn more about our contract electronics industry online training and education and the unique way our consulting services and research projects are set up to better serve our clients here.

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Electronic OEM professionals reading this and wanting help locating contract electronic service providers matching your program and end market, Venture Outsource offers a free service. Speak with a Provider Advisor. Advisors have access to detailed information on listings in our global database and can help you compare provider service capabilities to better match your program needs. Advisors also have intelligence on specific providers, plus info on emerging industry trends and best practices to share with you.

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