Having good marketing and sales / business development talent is necessary for most companies to grow successfully. EMS providers are no different except that really good EMS business development talent can be difficult to find. More importantly, once found, the really successful EMS business development leaders in industry can be even more difficult to retain.
Its just as important providers manage-out, or promote, good EMS sales and business development employees if they are to continue toward achieving their regional or corporate business objectives and goals.
To this point, below is an EMS business development employee evaluation for the manager- and executive-levels in hopes to help both EMS employers and business development employees come closer together in aligning EMS business development performance with EMS provider objectives while also motivating employees.
Date of Evaluation:
Employee Department:
Date Employed:
Job Title:
Evaluating Manager:
The purpose of this Evaluation is to:
A. Establish agreed-upon goals and objectives between employee and manager.
B. Provide a means of open communication between employee and manager.
C. Identify actions employees can take to enhance their growth / development.
D. Evaluate measured results of pre-established goals, objectives and performance.
Managers are to consider the following criteria when evaluating the elements of performance in Section III. Mark the level which best describes employee performance.
EXCELLENT: Performance consistently far exceeds normal expectations.
VERY GOOD: Performance consistently exceeds normal expectations and job requirements.
GOOD: Performance consistently meets expectations and job requirements.
MARGINAL: Performance sometimes meets expectations and minimum job requirements.
UNACCEPTABLE: Performance is below the minimum acceptable level. The employee is aware of this performance level and is on a counseling program.
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Describe specific assignments and major responsibilities for this review period. If a new employee, or new position, what was employee hired to do?
What specific accomplishments and/or improvements has this individual made since the last evaluation? What progress has been made toward meeting previously established performance goals? Indicate whether goals were exceeded, achieved, or not met.
Are responsibilities carried out in a sound, logical manner to meet future needs? Does the function operate in a smooth, well-organized way? Does this individual recognize and effectively handle situations that could cause problems in area of responsibility? Are activities and resources planned ahead of time to insure departmental success? Does this individual meet budget and schedule commitments? Does this person organize his / her time properly to develop sales leads, follow up on such leads, and be able to track such progress? What is the average amount of time it takes to close (sign) a lead once developed?
Excellent (4 pts.) Very Good (3 pts.) Good (2 pts.) Marginal Unacceptable
Does the individual have well thought-out reasons to back decisions made? How much reliance can you place on the individual to make the right decision? How carefully are the pros and cons of any given situation weighed before arriving at a decision? Are decisions made in a timely manner? If this person has a dotted-line responsibility to another individual, does this person take into account the second party’s concerns? Does this person extend oneself to ensure all parties are kept abreast of sales leads, sales developments, sales’ interaction with other departments, etc.?
Excellent (4 pts.) Very Good (3 pts.) Good (2 pts.) Marginal Unacceptable
If appropriate, is delegation used effectively? Does this person demonstrate a leadership quality to encourage other members of the function to follow him or her? If this person has direct reports, have the work performance of employees in this person’s organization been evaluated consistently and on time? Has this person noticeably developed others in ‘their’ areas of responsibility to help ensure the function – as a whole – continues to grow and expand in its ability. How well does this person provide training and development to others, where appropriate? Is there a thorough understanding of job requirements and of personality traits that best fit the Company’s culture and environment? If applicable, does this person select competent subordinates?
Excellent (4 pts.) Very Good (3 pts.) Good (2 pts.) Marginal Unacceptable
Are current methods and policies continually examined and suggestions made for new and better ones? Does this person demonstrate a willingness to extend him/her self to complete assigned tasks? Is this person willing and eager to accept more responsibility? Does this person take quick action to correct or prevent problems? Does this person demonstrate creativity by coming up with inventive solutions and alternative approaches to problem solving? Does this person generate ideas, concepts and techniques?
Excellent (4 pts.) Very Good (3 pts.) Good (2 pts.) Marginal Unacceptable
How well does this person transmit information, both written and verbal, to fellow employees on all levels, outside vendors, and to consultants? Are emails professional, with proper greetings and signature? Are email and telephone responses timely? Does this person identify himself/herself in the greeting on their mobile mobile and land line mail boxes? Does this person understand how to develop trust in the business relationship using written and verbal techniques showing respect for prospects and not feigning familiarity? Does the appropriate information get transmitted? Is there appropriate assertiveness in expressing and advocating his/her point of view? Is this person able to effectively understand and communicate complex concepts to all parties?
Excellent (4 pts.) Very Good (3 pts.) Good (2 pts.) Marginal Unacceptable
How well does this person present report data? Is the data in a reasonably organized manner and easy to understand? Is the data reported on pertinent to this person’s scope of responsibilities? Does this person turn in such reports on time? Are these reports able to be understood without detailed explanation accompanying the report?
Excellent (4 pts.) Very Good (3 pts.) Good (2 pts.) Marginal Unacceptable
Summarize areas that most significantly impact overall performance.
What specific action can you suggest to help this employee improve performance? How can you, as the manager, help?
Establish with your manager, Goals / Objectives, which include plans for increased productivity and/or responsibility, or specific job assignments. Measurement criteria of these goals should also be agreed upon and stated. Use an additional sheet if needed.
Each employee is encouraged to add any comments to this evaluation. If more space is needed, attach an additional sheet.
Evaluation performance details
Total Number of Points:
Average Score:
Salary Increase Percentage
Direct Manager:
Next Level Manager:
Human Resources:
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