Typically, what many OEMs are presented with from their contract manufacturing partners, with regards to supply chain contract scheduling and schedule changes, allows for schedule changes to occur but there is a limit to the degree of change in manufactured product volumes delivered.
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Tag Archives: contracts
Managing contract delivery schedules, changes and liability in the supply chain
Electronics services liability, indemnity in your contract
Margins in the electronics contract manufacturing industry are slim and contract manufacturers should do what is necessary to protect their profits while treating customers fairly.
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Thinking of re-shoring manufacturing electronics? Read this
Whether in the US, India, China, Mexico or other geographies, companies that outsource non-essential activities achieve a greater ROIC because of fewer fixed costs. One reason is they don’t carry as many fixed costs. But, there’s more.
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Cost reduction standards in contract electronics?
Rule of thumb states that product development determines 80% of a product's cost. The product concept phase alone can equate to roughly 60% of cost.
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