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Stanford Business School on teamwork and manufacturing productivity

Workers can improve yield by finding ways to prevent material from jamming in the equipment and by reducing electrical and mechanical failures. They can also identify and address the causes of unacceptable steel quality before the minimill produces large amounts of it. If the bar of steel securing a seat belt is defective, for instance, the auto manufacturer will know which plant produced it – hurting that plant’s profitability. “Nowadays we have records of every lot of steel and where it came from,” said Shaw.

Companies rarely make capital investments without having detailed expectations about the potential return, she said, but most haven’t developed the same expertise about human resources policies. “That’s much harder to do with HR. But the returns to HR can be just as big.”

Shaw, who is also a research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research, coauthored the study with Brent Boning of the Center for Naval Analyses, and Casey Ichniowski of Columbia University and the National Bureau of Economic Research. They sampled 34 production lines owned by 19 companies and conducted extensive interviews with workers, union leaders, managers, and human resources officials at the minimills. There were 2,355 total monthly observations of those production lines, compiling about five years of data on each line.

Although creating the teams does include such costs as overtime payments for meetings, consultants to develop the teams, and lost production during team meetings, the researchers doubt those costs were large enough to explain why only 12 percent of the lines at the beginning of the study had teams. In many mills, there was an institutional resistance to change.

For long-established mills, Shaw said, a sudden emphasis on teams can be scary and painful. “It really means changing the fabric of the environment and the skills of the individual,” Shaw said. Managers, for example, have to think of themselves as coaches, not bosses. In some cases, change occurs only when the situation is drastic. “What it’s taken is for companies to bottom out.” Or, often the mill is sold to a new owner who can rework the human resource practices.

Shaw said teams are much more accepted now. When Nucor Steel creates a mill on a previously undeveloped site, for example, it puts teams in place from the beginning.

Sometimes the opportunity for change presents itself when a company is sold. Shaw said that when Gerdau Ameristeel purchased Sheffield Steel in 2006, it had the chance to replace people at various levels with those who could better focus on Gerdau’s mission.

“You need to aim for workers who see the gains that working together often promises,” she said, and new managers can often do that more easily.

Source: Stanford Graduate School of Business


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