Product pricing models are sometimes incorporated into electronics contract manufacturing service agreements as an Exhibit A.
In this particular example of a product pricing model, the contract manufacturer has line-itemed relative costs for each component or pricing driver relative to the overall product program cost to the OEM customer.
Effective price dates are typically clearly spelled out as well as in which of the contract manufacturer’s facilities the pre-production program build(s) take place.
The pricing model below is an ‘all inclusive’ manufacturing price model and is typically in lieu of any ‘per hour’ or ‘ala carte’ service charges.
How to get lowest cost components for your bill-of-materials
(All inclusive might include printed circuit board assembly, In-Circuit Test (not ICT development), Flying probe test (not test development), x-ray inspection, functional test (up to 1 hour average per board, including de-bug is typical), and burn-in (ESS)).
In such pricing models, customers define lot size and can usually request turn-around times (three days for printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies – excluding test – is reasonable).
Additional per hour charges usually apply for ‘non-manufacturing’ related activities such as PCB layout, test development, or other services not directly related to the manufacture of product. (Related: How to drive costs out of your EMS manufacturing program)
The following is also usually not included in this type of pricing model:
- work performed at customer location
- customer requested rework
- ECO implementation
- non-recurring engineering charges
- tooling
- test development
- any product-specific equipment
This type of framework is usually easier for both parties to administer the relationship while also making it easier for the contract manufacturer to track and manage internal costs.
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