EMS Industry Documents - Service level agreements, factory audit templates, supplier checklists, term sheets ...

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EMS Industry Documents - Service level agreements, factory audit templates, supplier checklists, term sheets ...

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Estimating true manufacturing cost of goods sold

By VentureOutsource.com Staff

In an ideal world, raw material inventory is pipelined, scheduled for production and manufacturing functional support staffing, shipping and commit schedules. Its a FIFO system (first in, first out).

But the reality is workflow is not constant. Engineering change orders and weekly OEM-EMS customer meetings shift priorities and unplanned material variances surface. Manufacturing demand changes can occur any time of day and at any point in your supply chain. It becomes increasingly difficult to drive cost out of your manufacturing product portfolio if you do not begin on proper footing.

Manufacturing work orders

These changes keep EMS providers, and OEM customers, in a constant stat of reaction and add strain on the OEM-EMS relationship.

This is also good reason why customer stickiness in EMS industry is a moving target. EMS providers know, that, at any time, OEMs can pull out run to a competing EMS provider.

One defense EMS providers commonly deploy against this ongoing risk is to get as much money from OEM customers, in fees and charges, as frequently as possible. EMS providers pad their quotes and charges for two reasons:

1) EMS providers do not fully understand their true, internal costs to support an OEM customer program

2) EMS providers can double-dip and triple-dip in excess fees charged to customers because most OEMs don’t understand how to deconstruct EMS/ODM quote pricing in the RFQ phase and the general complexities tied to EMS and ODM industry.

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OEM customer costs (fees)

It should come at no surprise to OEMs that sudden changes to circumstances with OEM customer materials impact the EMS and ODM supplier’s working capital. EMS and ODM providers are notoriously inefficient. Every contract manufacturing program is comprised of three primary components in terms of EMS supplier cost vs OEM price:

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