Zollner Elektronik AG, an electronics manufacturing and engineering services (EMS) company today announced formation of Zollner Electronics, Inc. and the opening of a Technical Sales and Customer Service facility in the USA.
Headquartered in Germany and founded by Manfred Zollner in 1965, Zollner Elektronik AG is growing.
This is the first of major steps in closing the void in helping the Company expand into North America’s market and, ultimately proceed into the Latin American markets and South America.
With current support of facilities located in Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa, Asia, in addition to its recent expansion in the USA, Zollner is positioning to create a true global presence to help electronics OEMs shorten time-to-market, lower costs, and provide knowledge and support to be more competitive.
The Company employs 7,200 employees across 15 facilities worldwide.
Source: Zollner Elektronik, April 2009
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