Tag Archives: asia

Worldwide EMS / ODM five year forecasts deals blow to pure ODM model, reflects trends and challenges for industry, OEMs


IDC’s five year forecast (2009 – 2014, see chart) for the worldwide EMS and ODM sectors, plus worldwide total EMS industry, reflects the cost (spend) for product outsource design and manufacturing services and MCOGs sourced to EMS and ODM companies across the Americas, Europe and Asia.
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Semiconductor shortages pave road for China


Turns out we could be in for a long shortage in the semiconductor sector. Some analysts and investment bankers say one thing, semiconductor manufacturers and other analysts say another thing. Who is right? And, what has China got to do with this?
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Daniel Pink on remote work, right-brain thinking and outsourced economics

Read what this former White House chief speechwriter for Vice President Al Gore and one-time Botswana latrine builder has to say about Asia, ways to think about remote workforces, job skills you need in the future, our changing world, his new book and more…
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Trade, finance, and economic development – interview with PBEC chairman Scott Price

Read what the Pacific Basin Economic Council chairman says about focusing on Asia-Pacific business interests and challenges facing companies expanding into Asian markets, and more.
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