Electronics OEM materials planning risk analysis in EMS manufacturing
Your largest cost to your OEM outsourcing programs is materials. Commodity purchasing, and materials and demand planning / scheduling personnel are under constant pressure to produce forecasts you can rely on to drive your profitability. Read articles about EMS materials risk analysis here.
Venture Outsource uses fact-based decision-making to help you identify potential materials costs savings and reduce program risk sooner.
For years, Venture Outsource has served the top contact manufacturing consulting firms and we can serve your organization also with our private consulting and research projects. In addition to contract manufacturing expert witness work, some contract manufacturing project examples are below.
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OEM Materials Planning Best Practices
How materials planning impacts EMS production scheduling
Production finished goods inventory and shipping commitments
Materials inventory turns in EMS manufacturing
How productivity is tied to understanding true EMS materials costs
How to drive cost out of your manufacturing product portfolio