Electronics OEM equipment manufacturers typically deploy a team comprised of members from different functional groups supporting manufacturing, when identifying and creating a short list of suitably qualified contract EMS manufacturing services providers.
Venture Outsource runs a large, global contract EMS manufacturing group on Linkedin with more than 14,000 members comprised of professionals working in electronics OEM companies, EMS and ODM providers, and vendors and suppliers serving electronics manufacturing supply chains.
Linkedin poll
We presented a short poll to members in our Linkedin group: Global EMS Manufacturing Services. The group has more than 14,000 members. In our poll we asked:
What is the main reason you feel OEM manufacturers select a contract electronic manufacturing services (EMS) partner?
Naturally, there are a variety of reasons OEM equipment companies select EMS partners. Meanwhile, in our short poll cost / pricing of EMS services and fees proved important.
OEMs can create costing modelers for more accurate pricing of EMS fees and services to help OEMs find ways of reducing, and optimizing, bill-of-materials (BoM) quote pricing.
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Save time and money. Find quality EMS manufacturers. Fast. Venture Outsource has a massive, global database of contract electronic design and manufacturing capabilities. Speak with a Provider Advisor.
“Was able to very quickly find details on the important elements of setting up EMS and ODM partnerships, talked with an advisor for personalized info on quality providers matching our requirements while getting up to speed quickly about the industry and connect with key staff from like-minded companies and potential partners. Great resource.”
— Jeff Treuhaft, Sr. Vice President, Fusion-IO
Advisors tell you matches we find for your needs, answer your questions and, can share EMS industry knowledge specific to your industries and markets.