Thanks to the support of everyone this past year, 2012 was quite a year for Last year, registered members in our free, GlobalNet community doubled and all Website stats increased sharply.
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Trends & Observations
Message from Mark Zetter, Venture Outsource president
AUDIO – How Apple iPad is impacting tablet OEM, semiconductor and EMS / ODM firms

Apple’s iPad is clearly the dominant tablet in the market. What does all of this mean for OEM tablet makers; semiconductor firms, ODM / EMS manufacturing relationships and the consumer?
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The annual “Top 100 people influencing electronics manufacturing services (EMS)” – 2012
Who are the top people influencing the electronics manufacturing services (EMS) industry the most and how exactly do you define influential? We reached out to dozens of colleagues and asked for input and suggestions as we created our ‘best of’ list of individuals who make the largest impressions.
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Steps for India to succeed in electronics services design manufacturing (ESDM)
India failed previously to become a global destination for EMS. Key points her emphasize some missteps, plus steps India must take to realize global capabilities for electronics services and design manufacturing (ESDM).
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AUDIO – Tech analyst Rob Enderle talks Apple, Tim Cook, iPad 3 and Foxconn troubles

“”Without Steve Jobs, Apple has lost its primary product focus – kind of its quality core. Also, it has lost its principle pitchman because the other thing that Steve Jobs did is he could get up in front of an audience and he could convince us of something that we otherwise wouldn’t buy.”
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Will iPad 3 get killed by Android and Windows 8?
Apple is believed to have phenomenal product momentum (iPhone 4S, iOS 5), expanding distribution and a solid product pipeline.
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VIDEO – Foxconn Chengdu factory, worker conditions and employee interview
In a Foxconn factory located in Chengdu, China, Foxconn employees assemble Apple iPads, iPhones and other products. Apple has recently taken very public steps to better manage working conditions in Asian factories that comprise part of its global supply chain but there remains more work to do.
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VIDEO – Foxconn Fear Factory: How American manufacturing can compete with China
VIDEO – The Daily Show host Jon Stewart adding his usual schtick to labor and working conditions inside factories at Chinese EMS provider Foxconn.
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VIDEO – Apple supply chain transparency and supplier responsibility must also influence public opinion
VIDEO – Apple’s first fiscal quarter earnings, which were just released, more than doubled (+118%) from the same period one year ago. One could easily say things are under control. Apple takes a seat at the table of public opinion with both hands visible and palms facing upward – its body language clearly indicating a willingness to cooperate – while citing numerous violations and areas of concern.
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Interpreting the four phases of the EMS economic cycle
The problem is we are back to phase one and the fundamentals across the EMS industry will not stabilize until the sector reaches the third phase of the EMS economic cycle.
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