Manufacturing intranets help companies manage manufacturing content, knowledge, and applications. Manufacturing intranets allow manufacturing professionals to come together in a centralized, digital workplace destination from all corners of the world also integrate with apps and tools to save manufacturing project teams and organizations valuable time and money.
According to Global Market Insights, the size of the collaboration market (software) will grow by 13 percent CAGR from 2016 to 2024 is estimated to exceed $8.5 billion by 2024.
In addition to ways corona virus is impacting manufacturing supply chains, much of this growth driving the big picture for work OS, web-based intranet platforms is the growing importance of manufacturing collaboration tools attributed primarily to Industry 4.0 and digital transformation with shifting workplace environments and the way teams and remote professionals work.
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Organizations like Diebold, GE, United Technologies, Lutron, Embraer, UTC Aerospace Systems, Denon, Ingram Micro, Volvo, Emerson and many others can spend millions of dollars to identify project scope and build configurations, implementation, and administration to encourage collaboration in their SharePoint hardware and equipment manufacturing hubs.
Detailed costs for creating and implementing a manufacturing portal for social business collaboration can be broken down into known vs hidden costs and will vary depending whether your SharePoint server is on-premise or cloud-based. The majority of SharePoint users are cloud-based.
Known SharePoint costs
Known costs can typically be determined beforehand, and can be defined in a statement of work (SOW) for the project and, may not be considered open-ended when allocating budgets.
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