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6 Steps how semi components get on OEM approved vendor list (AVL)

By VentureOutsource.com Staff

Few can argue the Internet of Things is helping drive the hardware craze and non-OEM components manufacturers like Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom and others all want to participate, and sell more chips.

Opportunities abound for semiconductor makers to penetrate OEM supply chains where lots of money can be made and so they go to great lengths to get onto OEM approved vendor lists (AVL) – a step in the right direction for then (hopefully) getting onto circuit boards and onto embedded computing modules and inside the fast-growing number of connected devices driving how we work, play and live.

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Below are six (6) critical steps how a semiconductor company gets their chipset onto an OEM hardware product AVL.

Step 1: Supplier qualification (v component tech/spec qualification)

How this process occurs is related to the size of the OEM. Smaller OEMs usually have a less robust qualification process.

Small OEMs and startups will usually opt for components with the biggest technology advantage and often choose components vendors regardless of supplier track record and financial strength

5 Ways OEMs and EMS providers purchase semiconductor components

Larger OEMs will usually have more formal qualifying processes and procedures but these can also creates obstacles and hoops to jump over and through for man component manufactures.

Step 2: Identifying specific requirements

After a components manufacturer becomes qualified, the vendor then reaches out to the ‘buyers’ staffed inside the OEM, looking for OEM buyers with specific chipset features/functions needs and requirements. These OEM buyers are divided into two camps:

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