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Marketing research and techniques for identifying new customer segments in EMS manufacturing industry

By VentureOutsource.com Staff

Industry and market research plays a vital role in the success of contract electronics manufacturing marketer roles and responsibilities. Comprehensive research and analysis can help EMS marketers identify potential customer segments and tailor EMS provider marketing strategies to target the right audience.

Before delving into market research, EMS manufacturing marketers should gain a deep understanding of the EMS manufacturing industry. This includes familiarizing themselves with the various EMS manufacturing industry market sectors, such as telecom, automotive, medical devices, avionics, robotics and industrial electronics and more, to recognize specific demands and trends within each sector.

Other aspects of industry to consider might include whether or not your target market is in traditional or non-traditional EMS industry, whether your services offered include front-end and back-end capabilities.

Competitive analysis

Conducting a competitive analysis is crucial to identify potential customer segments. By examining competing EMS manufacturers’ offerings, strengths, weaknesses, and target markets, EMS marketers can uncover untapped opportunities. Analyzing competitors’ marketing strategies, messaging, and customer engagement approaches provides valuable insights that can be leveraged to differentiate from the competition among other providers in a sea of gray.

Customer surveys and interviews

Engaging with existing customers and industry stakeholders through surveys and interviews can yield valuable information. Create surveys with targeted questions to gather feedback on customer preferences, pain points, and their experiences with your EMS manufacturing services.

In-depth interviews can provide deeper insights into customer needs, expectations, and decision-making factors. These direct interactions help shape marketing strategies and enable the identification of potential customer segments. Sometimes it can be more productive to hire third-party firms for this data gathering process.

Data analysis

Leveraging data analytics tools is an effective way to extract valuable insights. Analyze website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates to understand which segments are showing interest in your services. Use keyword research to identify common search terms and trends that potential customers in your target segments are exploring.

Analyzing past marketing campaigns and their performance metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, provides data-driven insights to refine strategies and identify high-potential customer segments.

Industry reports and publications

Stay updated with industry reports, publications, and research studies related to contract electronics manufacturing. These resources provide valuable market insights, growth projections, and customer trends specific to different industries and sectors. These can also guide EMS marketers in identifying potential customer segments that align with providers’ current capabilities and expertise.

Social listening and online communities

Monitor social media platforms and online communities relevant to EMS manufacturing and gain insights into customer conversations, pain points, and emerging trends.

Social listening tools can help identify potential customer segments by analyzing discussions and sentiment around EMS manufacturing services and related topics.

Active participation in online communities allows marketers to engage with potential customers directly and gain a deeper understanding of their needs and expectations.

Capturing buyer mindset

It’s not enough for EMS manufacturing marketer to just conduct research and analysis. Marketers have to get their message in front of prospects – at a moment of relevance.

Aim to capture buyer mindset in the request-for-quote (RFQ) phase of buyer information gathering and decision-making, whether it be at trade shows and events or online groups and key EMS manufacturing industry websites, EMS marketers should strive to be effective – be where your buyers are located.

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By understanding the EMS manufacturing landscape, conducting competitive analysis engaging in customer surveys and interviews, analyzing data, exploring industry reports, leveraging social listening and placing your company in front of prospective customers at moment of relevance, EMS marketers can uncover valuable insights that drive targeted marketing strategies.

Armed with a deeper understanding of customer segments, EMS marketers can tailor their messaging, offerings, and outreach efforts to connect with the right audience, at the right time, and drive top-line new customer business wins for EMS manufacturing company growth.

Contract electronics EMS providers can view some of the ways Venture Outsource helps services providers with their sales and marketing business objectives, here.

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