Chinese smartphone and tablet market is still tracking to nearly double in 2013, with smartphones showing good momentum and tablets offering both lower cost and higher performance features to stimulate demand according to a recent research report by investment bank Credit Suisse.
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Tag Archives: tablets
China smartphone, tablet CAGR forecast into the clouds
AUDIO – How Apple iPad is impacting tablet OEM, semiconductor and EMS / ODM firms

Apple’s iPad is clearly the dominant tablet in the market. What does all of this mean for OEM tablet makers; semiconductor firms, ODM / EMS manufacturing relationships and the consumer?
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Will iPad 3 get killed by Android and Windows 8?
Apple is believed to have phenomenal product momentum (iPhone 4S, iOS 5), expanding distribution and a solid product pipeline.
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2012 Forecast spells decline for EMS and ODM as profitability concerns weigh in
Both the electronic manufacturing services (EMS) and original design manufacturing (ODM) segments of the industry are not projected to perform well this year. Revenue in the EMS sector will be practically flat and the ODM sector is likely to shrink.
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Taiwanese ODMs get toothache from Apple
Apple’s iPad and increasing market share in notebooks are stirring trouble for ODMs Compal, Wistron, Acer and Quanta serving tablet and netbook markets. Consumer notebook demand to remain weak in the US and Europe but the situation for commercial purchases…
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Apple iPad vs. netbooks, notebooks, smartphones
This is not just another review of how the iPad bridges the world of smartphones, netbooks and notebooks. Read this cost analysis of 3G enabled netbooks vs. the 3G iPad. How will Dell, HP, Acer respond? Some say the iPad is a game changer with a whole new category of OS and will no doubt cause the definition of PC to be revised. iPad could change everything. How will it change you?
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