Outsourcing electronics manufacturing guide resource page for decision makers
Outsourcing electronics manufacturing to contract manufacturing services providers is an important decision for any company. Selecting the right contract manufacturing partner can be challenging so to help OEM company purchasing and commodity managers, managers responsible for vendors and suppliers, and supply chain managers executives make more informed decisions on electronics industry, below are key articles and related resources on contract electronics outsource manufacturing.
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One of our goals is to make it easy for electronics sourcing decision makers just like you to find quality electronics services. Our unique and extensive interactive marketplace of provider services helps you easily find, connect and target the electronics provider companies you need, exactly when you need them.
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Key links, resources for manufacturing decision makers
Steps how to evaluate and select contract electronics manufacturers
How to build costing modelers for contract electronics pricing quote analysis
OEM Best practices for RFQs and EMS manufacturing quote management
Difference between OEM, CM, CEM, ECM, EMS, ODM, JDM, design house contract electronics
Manufacturing tariffs resource page
How artificial intelligence locates/corrects country-of-origin (COO), HTS, UNSPSC codes (slide deck)