Most standard NPI business models contain four turn time variations. These include the standard five-day turn, a three-day turn, a 48-hour turn, and the increasingly-popular 24-hour turn.
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Semiconductors, Components
Electronics product flowchart for NPI
Understanding how semiconductor design engineers think
Design engineers need to know they are picking the best components for their design. But, it turns out their biggest fear is not knowing whether the component parts they choose will be reliably available for the entire life of the product they are designing.
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Electronics distribution: Choosing a global or regional distributor in a flat world
Your corporate procurement team manages your global distributor strategy while also observing situations in each country. In doing so, the team can better identify competitive distributors performing well. Two strategy methodologies the author suggests are bottom-up distributor selection and top-down distributor selection.
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AUDIO – How Apple iPad is impacting tablet OEM, semiconductor and EMS / ODM firms

Apple’s iPad is clearly the dominant tablet in the market. What does all of this mean for OEM tablet makers; semiconductor firms, ODM / EMS manufacturing relationships and the consumer?
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Will iPad 3 get killed by Android and Windows 8?
Apple is believed to have phenomenal product momentum (iPhone 4S, iOS 5), expanding distribution and a solid product pipeline.
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6 PCB Design mistakes to avoid designing printed circuit boards
Segments included in this process for critical design reviews, following completion of the schematic, can include review of initial components placement on the correct PCB form-factor board envelope. Then, after the routing is complete…
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VIDEO – Apple supply chain transparency and supplier responsibility must also influence public opinion
VIDEO – Apple’s first fiscal quarter earnings, which were just released, more than doubled (+118%) from the same period one year ago. One could easily say things are under control. Apple takes a seat at the table of public opinion with both hands visible and palms facing upward – its body language clearly indicating a willingness to cooperate – while citing numerous violations and areas of concern.
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Full report: EMS / ODM worry about profitability as fall 2011 survey reveals pessimism in electronics supply chain
471 survey respondents from EMS/ODM, Component Manufacturers, Distributors, Electronic Equipment Manufacturers, OEMs and Semiconductor Manufacturers answer questions on the economic situation; employment, inventory levels, business volume, and prices providing insight into the levels of …
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Why I believe the outsourcing trend is reversing
Three events occurred in the last four years changing technology development and manufacturing that, combined, created an environment where new nations are emerging as potential providers of outsource services, former manufacturing nations like the US are being flocked back to, and current providers of outsource services are outsourcing themselves.
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