An electronics manufacturer building one million circuit boards at 3 Sigma levels would build 66,807 defective circuit boards. Assuming each defective board required $100 worth of parts and labor to repair, it would cost $6,680,700 to complete the repairs.
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Quality Control
5 Methodology steps to 6 sigma in electronics printed circuit board assemblies
EMS provider OnCore CEO interview
OnCore electronics services CEO talk about end markets the provider serves and challenges taking place in industrial, medical and defense / aerospace electronics sectors.
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EMS as a growth industry and reasons for optimism
EMS industry underestimated. Growth opportunities seen at numerous EMS companies. Sanmina-SCI in major identity makeover. Flextronics disproportionate beneficiary in computing. Clean tech aids non-traditional EMS sectors. OEMs reevaluate strategies.
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iPhone market share: Enterprise demand may buck trends
There is growing evidence that the iPhone is making inroads into the enterprise. Although Apple has a relatively small position today, some on Wall Street expect Apple to gain considerable share in the enterprise market over the next several years, possibly driving upside to many Street estimates.
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Choosing providers: EMS or ODM?
The landscape for outsourcing electronics has changed significantly in the recent decade resulting from a combination of the emergence of the Taiwanese original design manufacturers (ODM) as well as the consolidation of traditional EMS providers. Companies such as Compal, Quanta, Wistron and Inventec …
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China iPhone market demand projections
Some industry reports indicate Apple could soon be announcing a partnership with China Unicom to distribute the iPhone across mainland China. While is unsure of the pending partnership, reports are providing insight into what Apple’s China iPhone venture …
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Mobile phones: Troubled contract manufacturing?
When the economy is strong and market demand is good, this model will help an EMS provider grow because economies of scale can be leveraged and the manufacturing business and the component business can …
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Electronics manufacturing services value is not cost reductions
Real problem with EMS industry is inability to effectively communicate its value proposition. Pressure on EMS firms relates to the mistaken belief the core value proposition of outsourced manufacturing is cost reductions.
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RoHS: Ask your EMS provider these five questions
Even if you have an excellent RoHS program and your EMS provider has an excellent RoHS compliance process, all it takes is one component for a product to be non-compliant. What is your EMS provider’s process if a non-compliant part is found on finished boards?
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