Electronics contract manufacturing costing models can vary widely, depending on a number of factors, including the level of expertise of the cost modeling vendor and particular industry experience required for suitable fit, the scope of the project or program, the …
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RFQ/RFP Management
Contract manufacturing costing modelers analyze more than just CM service fees and quote pricing
The role of value analysis and value engineering in electronics equipment manufacturing
Value analysis and value engineering, often times condensed to VA/VE, can be applied to a wide range of electronics markets and industries, including consumer electronics, industrial electronics, medical electronics, and aerospace and defense electronics. These methodologies can be particularly beneficial …
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How electronics equipment manufacturers can reduce cost to manufacture
Electronics equipment manufacturers have a number of options when interested in reducing the cost of manufacturing their products. Some of these include: Contract electronics outsourcing equipment manufacturing programs, certain manufacturing processes or assemblies and sub-assemblies, or components to countries with …
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Supplier development questions for EMS manufacturing program performance
Primary concerns facing many electronics manufacturer brand companies tasked with sourcing contract electronics services focus on contract electronics sourcing cost containment, optimizing electronics manufacturing services (EMS) service level agreements (SLA), and better EMS supplier performance. Below are several questions …
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Effective request-for-quote (RFQ) process for contract electronics manufacturing
Total landed cost matters. Any significant impact on manufacturing profitability can result in many outcomes, including missing quarterly forecasts, declining stock price, layoffs, and closure.
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Demand forecast planning and warehouse storage fees in contract electronics manufacturing
The semiconductor distribution network can create barriers for OEM equipment manufacturers to find and determine weighted excess volume cost/price risk as it relates to components sourcing and product total landed cost. One root cause for this difficulty is inaccurate …
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Resources vs. strategic doctrine: Career development and manufacturer supply chain workforce education, training when sourcing contract electronic services
How live, interactive e-learning lab saves OEM decision makers 5% to 15% annual spend for contract electronics services.
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Industrial electronics new product cost strategy and NPI launch management
EMS providers are tasked with reviewing and updating customer NPI program documents frequently as changes occur. Anticipate what is next and stay two steps ahead of your contract manufacturing partner.
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Drone and unmanned aerial systems quality concerns in contract EMS manufacturing
Why drone manufacturers visiting EMS manufacturing factories should spend more time on the production floor than in meeting rooms.
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OEM Commodity manager total landed cost dilemma
Questions OEM manufacturing supply chain managers should ask as China rolls out its digital yuan, while pursuing its Belt and Road Initiative.
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