Mark Zetter
Founder, Management Consultant
Venture Outsource, LLC
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From forensics review of manufacturing contract excess inventory damages and liability generated from purchasing materials to customer forecasts including non-cancellable and non-returnable (NCNR) and other custom items, specialty inventory, corporate liability due to failure to perform, sudden reductions in product forecasts, cancellation of purchase orders, supply contracts, etc… Mark Zetter provides scholarly opinion and expert witness reports and testimony, declarations, prosecution and defense strategy and more to help organizations navigate the business and legal challenges to understanding the complex nature of outsourcing contract electronics industry common, vs customary and best practices, of functional departmental responsibilities internal EMS provider suppliers and electronics OEM customer organizations.
Depending on the underlying legal matter Venture Outsource proprietary modeling and processes support defense and plaintiffs with research and investigative analysis in both discovery and disclosure proceedings, preparing expert witness reports, rebuttals, demonstrative aids and exhibits and, testifying and depositions for trial, hearings, arbitration or other venues.
Private equity risk in EMS manufacturing investments
Investment, middle market buyouts for high-mix, non-traditional EMS
EMS/ODM mergers and acquisition best practices
From class action lawsuits by investors in public companies to private EMS and OEM organizations seeking an expert with scope and depth able to communicate complex EMS industry business transactions in expert witness reports identifying defective product or unsuitable manufacturing practices and fraud, a party not acting in good faith against reasonable EMS industry best practices, excess manufacturing costs, poor risk management and lost opportunities and profits, unreasonable changes in delivery schedules resulting in breach of contract, investment due diligence, and more.
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Client manufacturing litigation work can involve technical and business issue disputes for suppliers and customers and vary from contract negotiations and surface mount technology (SMT) and product testing, to procurement and production floor best practices and sub-contract supplier management and related finance and P&L for electronics and complex electro-mechanical assemblies and sub-systems from design and new product launch (NPI) through full systems functional test and customer ship.
Venture Outsource management consultant Mark Zetter works with some of the most accomplished industry operations and finance executives facing complex contract electronics challenges across various extending supply chain sourcing models. Contact Venture Outsource today to see how Mark Zetter can help you with your defense and prosecution strategy.
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“Was able to very quickly find details on the important elements of setting up EMS and ODM partnerships, talked with an advisor for personalized info on quality providers matching our requirements while getting up to speed quickly about the industry and connect with key staff from like-minded companies and potential partners. Great resource.”
— Jeff Treuhaft, Sr. Vice President, Fusion-IO
Advisors tell you matches we find for your needs, answer your questions and, can share EMS industry knowledge specific to your industries and markets.