Best practices selecting EMS manufacturers for electro-mechanical assembly services
Finding the right contract manufacturer can be challenging. Manufacturers must identify accurate product costs then determine make vs buy manufacturing cost model advantages when comparing manufacturing in-house compared to outsourcing manufacturing and technical capabilities to contract manufacturers being considered.
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Depending on the cost and P&L of your OEM product specifications, programs, and your company, your COGS are critical in making or breaking the quarter and competing for growing market share. Your ability to bring product to your customers in a timely manner with the right quality, at the right price, with suitable contract manufacturing suppliers is a cornerstone to your survival.
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Venture Outsource has the largest, global database of contract electronics capabilities. This free service is for electronic OEM professionals wanting to find contract electronic service providers matching your program requirements. Speak with a Provider Advisor. Advisors will give you detailed information on providers, plus intelligence on these companies, emerging trends and best practices.
Outsourcing electro-mechanical assembly manufacturing
Effective RFQ strategy for OEMs seeking EMS manufacturing services
Sourcing manager and category manager outsourcing best practices for EMS manufacturers
How to drive cost out of your manufacturing product portfolio
Electronic OEM box build transfers and EMS readiness plans
EMS quotes for printed circuit board box build assembly
Electro-mechanincal assembly pilot build checklist for electronics system integration programs